By partnering with the Heart Foundation, we’re helping take on cardiovascular disease – Australia’s number one killer. It’s responsible for the loss of 123 lives in Australia every day and is a major cause of heart attacks.
But there’s something you can do to help change that.
Regular physical activity reduces your risk of heart attack or developing heart disease. By completing 30 minutes of aerobic exercise most days of the week you can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 35%.
So, join our Hearts First challenge to strengthen your most important muscle – your heart – while raising funds for lifesaving heart disease research.
Put your money where your heart is
Every donation goes toward supporting the most advanced and high impact heart research, that could change the hearts and lives of the 4.5 million people living in Australia with cardiovascular disease.
Enables us to purchase sporting equipment for children in disadvantaged areas to help them to be physically active.
Can cover the cost of basic tools researchers need to grow heart cells, such as syringes, test tubes, and flasks.
Can help provide a DNA test to help pinpoint genetic risk factors for heart disease.
Can help cover the cost of materials to grow heart cells for research projects.
Can help fund research on new therapies to further improve recovery and survival following a cardiac emergency.
Can help place a defibrillator in a public space to help increase survival after a sudden cardiac arrest.
Better heart health for all is in your hands. Are you up for the challenge?